
XPM Services Turf Care

Fungus and Disease Control

        Lawn and turf diseases can occur when weather and/or lawn practices favor disease development. Very often, hot and humid weather contributes to diseases. Excess moisture, such as is provided from watering a lawn in the afternoon instead of the early morning hours can cause diseases as well.

        Luckily, lawn diseases can be treated with a few different approaches. Sometimes an application of fertilizer can give the grass what it needs to outgrow the disease. Changing lawn practices such as watering amounts and times and cutting the grass at the appropriate length (3-3 1/2″) can also help with lawn fungus. If neither of these methods will help, sometimes a lawn fungicide treatment is necessary and will eliminate the problem.

Some of the most common Fungus's in your area are: Dollar Spot, Large Patch, Brown Patch, Leaf Spot,  etc.

large Patch
large Patch
Brown patch
Brown patch